California Pushes Forward With Universal Health Care


The state of California just took a step forward in the direction of socialized medicine.

From KPCC in California:

As the Republicans in Congress work on a bill to replace Obamacare, California lawmakers are considering a radical move in the other direction.

The state senate is set to vote on a bill that would create a so-called “single payer” health care system for California.

The bill the senate will vote on this week would cut out insurance companies and put the state in charge of paying for all health care.

Supporters call it “Medicare for all.” Detractors call it an “expensive distraction” from the national health care debate.

Democratic Senator Ricardo Lara of Bell Gardens co-authored the bill. He told a senate committee last week—it’s an idea whose time has come.

“Given this picture of increasing cost, health care inefficiencies, and the uncertainty created in Congress, it is critical that California chart our own path,” said Lara.

Analysts say the state would have to raise about 200 billion dollars a year to pay for the new system. That’s as much as the entire state budget. Governor Brown has raised strong objections to the bill’s cost.

The bill includes an amendment that would block it from taking effect until a funding source for the program is in place.

The California Senate Committee just passed this measure and it will now head forward to the full Senate in CA.

Freedom is at stake in California and it will take a mass group of freedom loving individuals to stop this attack on their health care system.



Author: Robert J. Bentley

History and Political Science Professor in Colorado Springs, CO. Advocate for a free and voluntary society.

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