Gary Johnson Holding Strong at 10% in New Morning Consult Poll

The Morning Consult has released a new national poll that has Gary Johnson holding steady at 10%.  When pitted up against Trump and Clinton the former New Mexico Governor has been holding strong at this mark for the past 3 polls they have conducted.

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There are many that will say this is bad news, because there has been no change for the Governor in this poll, but we don’t see it that way. There have been a lot of little polls conducted by different polling firms that have the Governor all over the place.  Some show him at 6%, 8%, 11%, and 12%.  There are margin of errors and these polls have a vast array of differences between them, which include the sampling size, how the question was asked, when the question with Johnson was asked.

Being consistent in a poll like this is a good thing. It is within the margin of error of the other polls that show him a little higher and is solidifying Johnson as the clear alternative to the other two parties nominees.


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