The daytime drama of the Muller investigation has finally come to a close. After 2 years and millions of dollars there was no evidence that Trump nor his campaign colluded with the Russians.
From the New York Times:
WASHINGTON — For President Trump, it may have been the best day of his tenure so far. The darkest, most ominous cloud hanging over his presidency was all but lifted on Sunday with the release of the special counsel’s conclusions, which undercut the threat of impeachment and provided him with a powerful boost for the final 22 months of his term.
There are still other clouds overhead and no one outside the Justice Department has actually read the report by Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, which may yet disclose damning information if made public. But the end of the investigation without findings of collusion with Russia fortified the president for the battles to come, including his campaign for re-election.
While critics will still argue about whether Mr. Trump tried to obstruct justice, the president quickly claimed vindication and Republican allies pounced on their Democratic colleagues for what they called an unrelenting partisan campaign against him. Even as his own party’s congressional leaders called on the country to move on, however, the president indicated that he may not be ready to, denouncing the very existence of Mr. Mueller’s investigation as “an illegal takedown that failed” and calling for a counterinvestigation into how it got started.
Now that this circus is over will the government and congress start focusing on the real issues at hand? One in particular has gone left unnoticed and it is a plague on the future of this country.
No one in Washington seems to care about this dire situation. We only hear of investigations and possible impeachment from the sore losers of the 2016 campaign. We have a threat looming on the horizon and action is not being take to fix the situation. Instead, this government just keeps increasing spending and the President keeps talking about a meaningless border wall.
A record breaking deficit was set during the month of February and still nobody cares. There is an entire generation coming up in this country that will have direct harm from this carelessness inside our government. When will Congress and the President start caring? When will the Democrats and Republicans who have been running this country since the Civil War do something? The answer is probably not anytime soon.