Gary Johnson Campaign Engaged in Big Online Fundraiser-Money Comet


After releasing their new ad yesterday titled “Money Comet” the Gary Johnson Campaign for President is setting out to raise a big sum of cash to propel them into the top tier. Trump and Clinton are absolutley wrong for this country and you have another choice in November. A choice that is bent on the promotion of freedom and liberty. The idea that you should be left alone.

For those of you that missed the ad, here it is:

The two party system is on the verge of destruction and all it takes is a large group of committed individuals to change the nature of American politics.

Please consider donating to this effort at

This country is in a dire need of change. Two authoritarians are on the verge of winning the Presidency and our only hope is Gary Johnson and Bill Weld. Pass along to all your friends and encourage them to donate to a great cause.


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