
Despite Paul Caused Shutdown, Spending Bill Passed

Democratic Challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes And Senate Minority Leader McConnell Locked In Tight Race

What many hoped would be the last in a long line of short-term funding bills shall continue thanks to what CNN describes as “heightened drama”, another 6 week spending bill was passed by Congress early Friday morning.

The government had temporarily shut down thanks to the efforts of Sen. Rand Paul who stated “My intention was never to shut down government, but my intention is also not to keep it open and borrowing a million dollars a minute.” Sen. Paul also blamed both parties for being “complicit in the deficits” while he held the floor.

The Kentucky legislator wanted to include an amendment to bring home troops for Afghanistan as a way to justify the increasing in military spending. In order to bring about the amendment, the Senator would have needed a unanimous vote from the Senate.

The bill was set to increase domestic spending by $131 billion dollars and military spending by $165 billion over the next two years. DACA was not addressed during this round of budgets despite it being the cause of the government shutdown in January. An $80 billion debt ceiling increase for natural disaster relief was also a part of the bill.


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