Libertarian Party
POLL RESULTS: Merced, Somes, & Vohra Top Candidates For Libertarian Vice Chair
In the Libertarian Vindicator’s poll on the current candidates who have announced their intentions to run for Vice Chairman of the Libertarian Party National Committee, Alex Merced took a large lead as 46.37% of those surveyed would vote expressed that they would vote for him, making him the current favorite to win the Vice Chairman position at the 2018 Libertarian Party National Convention.
Behind Merced was Trent Somes III with 19.76%, current Vice Chairman Arvin Vohra with 10.48%, Jake Porter with 8.06%, Steve Scheetz with 6.05%, Joe Hauptmann with 5.65%, and Joe Paschal with 3.63%.
The Libertarian Vindicator will conduct another poll of the candidates for Vice Chairman in April. Thank you those who participated.

For information on every candidate, click on the links below:
Alex Merced
Arvin Vohra
Jake Porter
Joe Hauptmann
Joe Paschal
Steve Scheetz
Trent Sommes III
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Categories: Libertarian Party
Tagged as: Alex Merced, Arvin Vohra, Candidates, Featured, Jake Porter, Joe Hauptmann, Joe Paschal, Poll, Steve Scheetz, Trent Somes III, Vice Chairman
Published by Luke Henderson
Luke graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelors of Music in Music Composition and is currently pursuing his Bachelors of Music in Music Education while working as a substitute teacher in the St. Louis area. When Luke isn’t teaching, or writing music, he enjoys reading and writing on economics, politics, and libertarian philosophy. After a brief stint as a supporter for Bernie Sanders, Luke began his journey into libertarianism and was a supporter of Gary Johnson during the 2016 election. Luke joined the Libertarian Party after reading Johnson’s “Seven Principles of Good Government” and has been active ever since. Luke also contributes as a guest to Being Libertarian and as an editor for The Libertarian Coalition. Recently, Luke was asked to right for the Missouri Libertarian Party on their recent success in getting Libertarians to be Election Judges in 2016. Libertarian views on contemporary issues and criticisms of Libertarian philosophy are topics that Luke explores in his writing.
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