Libertarian Party

POLL: Joshua Smith Takes The Lead In LNC Chair Race

This poll was conducted by 73 of currently 312 members of the Libertarian Vindicator Polling Committee, a group that aims to have 10 libertarians, both party members and non-party members, from each state, including the District of Columbia, for a total of 510 members that seeks to create representative data of libertarians across the United States. The poll was conducted using


Nicholas Sarwark’s 19% lead in February’s poll has drastically fallen to 29%, placing him second to former runner-up, Joshua Smith. Smith rose almost 13% points which would make him the new favorite candidate for Chairman of the Libertarian Party.

Sarwark fall in the polls could potentially be because of his “no” vote on Arvin Vohra’s suspension, as a majority of the members of the Libertarian National Committee voted for the motion and the feedback from the general libertarian population seemed to lean more negative to the Chair’s decision.

Alicia Dearn’s first inclusion in the poll saw her garnering 22% of the vote, while Matt Kuehnel and Matt Schutter did not receive any votes for chair (though they were a small number of voters second choices).

2018 LNC Chair Poll 2


2018 LNC Chair Poll 2 2nd Choice



3 replies »

  1. So this isn’t a random sample, it’s a self selected sample based on the people networked most closely with whoever created the facebook group and started inviting the 10 people per state presumably from personal knowledge. Annnnnnd … They’re not even sorted by potential delegates. Nothing to see here!!


    • The committee is made of a variety of libertarians and I made it a point to try and have left-libertarians and libsocs when possible. This group isn’t as scientific as it could be, but there’s no true demographic data for me to run off of, so I did the best I could.


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